Sunday, February 12, 2012

Show and Tell

I got all excited when I realized I could use Show and Tell as a fun activity with the kids. Most of them are SO shy to actually speak English. We started dedicating some time to writing about different topics, developing them more at home and then having a show and tell at the end of the week. I think I win the "Silly First-Year Teacher" award for saying, "I guess that would be ok..." when Andrea asked if she could bring her rabbit to school. Because it led to other animals coming to school...
Yeah...Amilcar brought his dog to school. I about died.
We've since had a few more Show and Tells, with a strict NOTHING BREATHING policy. It's a fun topic, but I'm anxious (excitedly) for my kids to gain confidence and get more creative. We had one about their favorite place and only a few got more creative. Although they made me hide quite the laugh...when Jenny Su Lau was up presenting in 2A the class was being a little impolite (breaking one of our rules!) and I stopped her to quiet them down. When I asked where her favorite place was, because none of them could hear her, a couple of the kids responded, "China." Jenny is in fact born of Chinese parents, and they even own a Chinese restaurant in Las Vegas. To clarify, her favorite place is Tegucigalpa because she has family there, and she seemed unfazed by the China comment.

Wow. I still can't get over sweet Amilcar bringing his pup to school. And the look on his face when I talked to him about having to call his parents and keep the dog outside until they came to get him... He barked here and there throughout the day, which always made me cringe in embarrassment. But it's ok because a great percentage of my kids presented in front of the class, in English, with excited smiles. And stickers aided in encouraging their progress. I love it :)

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